What is an ISD?

ISD是一个区域教育服务机构. The job of this agency is to help local school districts with programs and services that are best done on a regional basis - things that are highly specialized or that would be far too expensive on an individual basis. The 57 ISDs in Michigan help communities make the best use of resources in educating students. 我们与地区合作, higher education, 非营利组织, business and others to bring key programs and services to our schools.

在这个区域合作中, isd提供像早期儿童这样的项目, Tech Centers and Special Education Centers which help educate youth with specialized equipment, technology and expertise that would be far too costly for any local district to fund. 支持服务,如批量采购, technology or payroll may also be on the list of services asked of an ISD. As the school districts request new programs and services, ISDs create them to meet local needs. This is why the exact services vary so much from one ISD to another.


isd为学区服务, 在其地理区域内的uedbet官网和学生, and ultimately, the community. They provide the programs, services and initiatives needed to help educate all students.

Kent ISD serves 20 public school districts and 3 non-public school districtsuedbet官网郡和巴里郡的大部分地区, 也就是说超过300所学校, and more than 117,000 students and 8,000 educators. 我们的地区包括:


Lowell Area Schools
Sparta Area Schools
Thornapple Kellogg学校

Non-public Districts



The educational service agencies, or ISDs, were created by laws passed in 1962. The duties of these organizations were 1) to make sure the school districts counted students accurately so they could obtain the correct state funds, and 2) to provide the services and programs that would be too expensive for a local district to provide on its own. We were established to be regional collaborators and help keep costs down for the schools. That's what we were created to do and, 50 years later, continue to do. This is a job that has taken on ever- greater significance in the past decade of school funding cuts and rapidly rising costs.

uedbet官网州立大学是该州最大的大学之一, 服务于300多所学校和23个学区, more than 117,000 students and 8,000 educators. uedbet官网学院提供数百个课程, 在区域基础上的倡议和服务, with the Tech Center alone offering 25 different career programs. Our Special Education area oversees 20 center programs on four campuses, and our professional development serves thousands of participants, just as examples.


ISD是“中级学区”." The "Intermediate" word comes from the dictionary definition, which is "coming between two things." In this case, it refers to coming between the Michigan Department of Education and the local school district. isd仍然以许多方式实现这一最初目的, including managing pupil accounting and pass-through funding from the state to the schools. They also help districts understand and implement new regulations and requirements, like the new Michigan Merit Curriculum or Medicaid reimbursement rules.

The "School District" portion of the name refers to our primary customer, the local district. In addition, the boundaries, or district, an ISD covers include a specific number of school districts. 不同的isd所划分的区域数量不同. Some ISDs serve districts in just one county, while others may encompass several counties.

Some ISDs have changed their name to more clearly explain how they serve education. Examples include Kalamazoo Regional Education Service Agency, 阿勒甘地区教育服务机构, Oakland Schools.

We are called Kent ISD and no longer use the spelled out version of "intermediate school district."

How is an ISD funded?

大多数isd的资金来源多种多样, 包括财产税, 州和联邦教育部门, 来自地方或国家组织的资助和奖励, 以及服务费用. Most ISDs levy a millage to help fund the programs and services offered to local districts.

uedbet官网大学ISD的资金都来自这些方面, plus has a charter millage (based on property taxes) that helps keep our funding stable. This means we can more easily offer the services our customer school districts want, 一年又一年.

Who oversees an ISD?

Each ISD has its own School Board which approves all official policies, budgets, 公开会议中的工作人员和计划. 董事会雇用并评估ISD总监, who then manages the services and staff of the organization. Members of this board are nominated by the school boards of local districts and serve for a set term of years. Typically, the community members nominated to an ISD board have served as school board members in a local district.

Additional accountability to the community comes from public meetings, 连同官方文件一起, budgets, 独立财务审计, plus the extensive reports and large amounts of information on the ISD's public website. Periodic elections to vote on millage renewals or other important issues give voters ISD responsibility. The Michigan Department of Education helps ensure ISDs are in compliance with state regulations and requirements.

Even more oversight comes from the local association of school boards, 督学协会, 特殊教育管理员, parents and others. Our ISDs are accountable under these state and federal laws:

  • Open Meetings Act
  • 年度公共预算听证会
  • 信息自由法
  • State School Code
  • 残疾人教育法
  • 密歇根州特殊教育条例
  • 《uedbet官网》

Kent ISD's School Board members and their terms of office are:

  • 安德里亚·海德尔,总统-到2023年6月
  • 大卫·德雷克,副总裁,到2025年6月
  • 克劳迪娅·巴杰玛,秘书,任期至2023年6月
  • Matthew Rettig,财务主管,到2027年6月
  • 劳拉·费瑟斯顿,受托人,到2025年6月

The School Board's schedule of meetings for the school year can be found here .


Kent ISD creates innovative new programs to help meet the needs of all students in our community. We train teachers on the newest techniques in teaching students, create partnerships with the business and non-profit communities and help our districts save money and resources.

Kent ISD provides Early Childhood programs like Bright Beginnings and Early On, operates uedbet官网 and 20 Special Education center programs which help educate youth with specialized equipment, technology and expertise that would be far too costly for any local district to fund. We negotiate a range of services and pricing on behalf of our districts, 包括一个即时警报系统, 电器/空调服务, 为学生提供垃圾清除和网络课程.